web tracker

Friday, November 18, 2005


As you all can see I've had a lot of free time at work today...

This is not done, I'll probably add more links and maybe change the template a bit.

One big change is that this blog now comes with Google ads !
Please note that these will not be active for a week or two
This means ads will appear just under the picture at the top and if you guys click on these ads we will get some money (for each click and viewing of an ad).
If you want to help us out, don't hesitate to click on these ads every time you come in here, doesn't cost a thing for you but gains us a couple of cents in the piggy bank every time you click.

Billy Idol was sooooooooo good but I'm still recovering from all the noise and screaming.

We should get our stuff next week and internet should be connected sometime within the next 10 business days. Can't wait !
