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Sunday, September 11, 2005


No I'm not really, so don't! I just couldn't think of another title, now how is that for a dirty mind...Long time since last blog not a lot has happened but then again a lot of things have happened just don't know how interesting they are to you....or to me for that matter.
I'm sitting inside listening to thunder and rain, it's been like that for a week now ( as in thunder and rain...I've been out of the house actually)and I must admit I'm more of a sunshine person.
I've been watching the tv and surfing the net on and off today and I feel like I've been through a timemachine and landed four years back...(for those of you who have no contact with the outside world... 9/11, Bush, Bin Laden, War)come on people..ok ok it was sad and all that but it happened four years ago....get over it allready! innocent people are dying every fucking day because of terrorist and the stupid guy called Mr. President of the USA and that doesnt seem to be nearly as much of a tragedy as that 9/11 thing...... but enough about that, maybe it just bothers me because its my birthday tomorrow and this is drawing the attention from that great event

I still haven't got a job, which sucks, but I'm sure something good will come along.
However I've been getting involved in tha buddhist community here and will be receiving my Gohonzon hopefully at the end of this month so a lot of good things are happening.

Well gotta get going, I'm gonna spend a nice night tonight with Daniel and Amir since we don't have time to celabrate my birthday tomorrow, so I am expecting chocolate cake and ice cream...

