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Thursday, July 28, 2005

The Magic Suit

The French word for suit is "Costume", used both for suit and costume (yeah, like halloween costume).

When I put on my suit is when it begins. You don't get taken nearly as seriously in life (at least in French life) when you're not wearing a suit and I've found this to apply wherever I am, if it be in a hotel with a client or at the train station buying my ticket. I get called sir a lot more often in a day where I'm wearing my suit.

I believe realising this has had the effect on me that I actually gain a lot of confidence as soon as I put on my suit.

When I have it on and go to a hotel where an IT guy from the company that takes care of the hotel shows up in jeans I immediately have the upper hand. This is just the way it works in France. I'm stamped as a professional before I say a word.

A huge part of my gained confidence is probably the lack of good IT guys in France.
I still haven't ment my match in this mediocre world of lousy IT "professionals".
I don't know if this is general for France or just the hotel business. Maybe this is because of the fact that if you're good you move on really fast here. This means that as soon as someone gets "discovered" they move on up, leaving the hacks behind doing the techie jobs. Yeah, that must be it.

I'm not bragging or anything like that, this is just the way it is.
Don't think I'm complaining either, I love being the best at what I do with my company and wherever I go. I like it when I get to stick it to some cocky french bastard who thinks I don't know anything because I'm so young (I'm 22 and it's not unusual for the French to get their first job ever at 25).
This can get to me as well, getting judged by my age. I think I'll never forget the four star luxury hotel director who decided to take the advice of a couple of Photocopy machine salesmen over mine when we were talking about something way out of their domain.

I'm shutting up I don't even know if this makes sense. Just something I was thinking about today.

Does anyone read this ???? Please comment if you're out there.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Well I think it might be time to give me some kind of reward for being the worst blogger in the world! I don’t even have an excuse! I don’t even have a fu**ing job so I could basically just sit around and blog all day, pretty sure I would run out of stuff to write about and start making something up already in the first week, but I’m not so sure anyone is reading this anyway so wtf.

But to give you all an update I actually have been pretty busy lately running “Hotel Daniel&Iris” and giving tourist tours to all over (or at least the radius of 200km). And in between I’m just lying in my pool getting tanned, do I need to say that again? Lying in MY POOL getting tanned! That’s right we got a pool in our garden which is pretty great when the temperature goes up to 40-C…
We’ve also been checking out the beaches around and I think we found the perfect one for us, its just near St Tropez and has crystal clear water and white sand and a lot of activities, Daniel and I spent a whole day just playing around there playing ping pong and reading and stuff but you can also rent jet-ski’s and boats and all kinds of stuff which is definitely on our to-do list.
We also drove to Monaco which is about 2hrs away and is kinda´ like Disney land for grown up´s, it was nice seeing it but that’s about it, everything is really beautiful and the yachters are bigger than those you can see in the movies! I wouldn’t mind having a yacht there and just sail around the Mediterranean but I don’t think I would be able to live in Monaco even though it is beautiful and everything there’s nothing special about it, if you know what I mean. There’s no culture visible… in fact the only thing that is visible is tourists and a lot of them! But hey a nice trip anyway, I’m a sucker for Disneyland anyway ;)

Daniel took a 2 week vacation for the first time in 4 years and it was nice getting to spend time together but he’s off working now in Lille for the week and will be spending next week in Evian so its good I have lots of pictures of him to remember him by :þ

I went to my first Buddhist meeting here in France last Saturday! It was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Really great and I look forward to going again and meeting more people and doing volunteer work and all that great stuff that makes me feel good!
I also really really need this now since I don’t have a job and sitting around doing nothing but looking for jobs and cleaning the house is not my idea of living life.

Now that I started writing I’m having a hard time stopping, maybe I should do this more often or maybe I’m just high! We’ve been having painters painting the apartment since yesterday and the smell is killing me….. probably would be more bearable if they had sent Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt over to do the job but then again I might not have let them go again since Daniel is travelling so much, hey a girl needs the company ;)………nah just kidding unfortunately for them I’m hopelessly devoted to the love of my life (to you slow thinkers out there, yes that would be Daniel) so sorry guys it just aint gonna happen!

Hey by the way, for the grace of god and the help of very good people I have been sober for 5 years today!!!that´s like 1/5 of my life!! It works if you work it you die if you don´t :D

Well I better go and watch the painters don’t paint my dog, white just wouldn’t suit him ;)
I promise to put more photos in very shortly

Luv ya guys and gals
