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Sunday, July 31, 2005

So everybody who follows the tech world knows about the (very soon forgotten) Grand Theft Auto sex scandal that's been going on recently.
Basicly it's about this hidden code in the game that some dutch programmer found and wrote a small script to unlock.
What this horrible code does is allow you to have sex with your girlfriend in the game.
I have the Playstation version of the game but not the PC one so I haven't tested this for myself but apparently you don't see much detail, it's just pretty obvious what they are supposed to be doing...

I was talking about this with Chico Rockstar the other day and also read this and I couldn't agree more.

The game actually is about killing people, stealing cars, killing cops (or just anyone you see if you feel that way) and people get all worked up about the fact that it contains sex scenes.
I can shoot off someones head or kill them with a chainsaw but sex might corrupt my frail mind and give me ideas, if I'm mentally unstable enough I might even go do these things in real life right?
